Haller Celebrates World Health Day 2024

For over 20 years, Haller has been at the forefront of integrating sustainable agricultural practices with comprehensive health solutions, significantly advancing the health and prosperity of rural communities. We’re spotlighting some of our pivotal healthcare initiatives to celebrate World Health Day in fostering community resilience and well-being!

A Foundation for Health: The Nguuni Clinic 

At the heart of Haller’s health initiatives is the Nguuni Clinic, a beacon of hope for the rural populations. We engage in weekly outreach, enabling us to provide vital services to 56 remote communities. Staffed by dedicated professionals, including a clinician, nurse, and diagnostic lab technician, our robust clinic operates with a full-service model 6 days a week.

This is not just a healthcare centre; it’s a lifeline for those who have been historically underserved, providing critical services such as vaccinations, pre and post-natal care, and family planning.

Read more about Haller’s health initiatives here.

By the Numbers: The Impact of Care

Over the past 20 years, we have vaccinated more than 45,000 patients! In a year, Haller’s collaborative health programmes average 7,000 patient consultations, deliver 3,500 vaccinations for children under 5 and conduct approximately 1,500 mobile appointments. 

This concerted effort has led to a marked reduction in preventable diseases and malnutrition among children. It has empowered women to plan their families, ensuring healthier communities and brighter futures.

Last year, we provided health services to 5,000+ people. We are proud to have immunised 2900+ people which includes an increased number of under 5’s protected against critical diseases. Our focus on monitoring childhood malnourishment and improving respiratory infection rates has immensely positively affected young people and generational security for our communities.

Full stats of last year's progress are to come but feel free to visit our 2022 impact report for a detailed overview of our projects. 

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Projects

Understanding the intrinsic link between water access, health, and economic stability, WASH projects are at the core of our mission. This year alone we have begun the construction of two eco-loos in Mombasa, with plans to construct more.

The provision of clean water has transformed community health by reducing the pressure on healthcare services and significantly improving the lives of women farmers. Each of Haller’s eco-loos has high-standard washing facilities, empowering women to manage their menstruation safely. Our WASH programmes have not only decreased the transmission of waterborne disease but have eased the burden for women fetching water over long distances, allowing them to focus on education, farming, and their families.

Educational Outreach: Building Healthy Habits

Haller’s health education initiatives, particularly aimed at children and communities, underscore the importance of preventive care. Through Healthy Habits workshops and distributing dental hygiene kits, the Foundation has educated 220+ schoolchildren on the importance of handwashing, personal hygiene, and dental care. 

These efforts directly support United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality Education, by ensuring that children have the knowledge and resources to stay healthy and attend school regularly. We invite you to read more on how the Haller approach addresses various UN SDGs.

Digital Health on The Haller Farmers App

The Haller Farmers App epitomises our innovative approach to health education. Offering essential information on nutrition, common diseases, and family planning in an accessible format, the app ensures that valuable health knowledge transcends literacy barriers. 

This initiative has been further enriched through partnerships, such as with La Maison de l’Artemisia, to share knowledge on medicinal herbs, and our collaboration with the Milgis Trust, focusing on natural family planning methods.

Download The Haller Farmers App to see our solutions for sustainable health. 

Looking Forward

We are poised to extend the impact with plans to continue the development of WASH facilities in Mombasa and an upcoming Haller Farmers App update! Our entire app content will soon be available in French, increasing our reach to over 160+ million French-speaking people in Africa and more worldwide.

For communities that have embarked on the Haller Journey, we give a 90% subsidy for healthcare at our clinic and via the mobile clinic. This initiative ensures that healthcare is accessible to the poorest in our communities. We understand the intersectionality of a sustainable future for people and the planet and will continue to provide integrated, tangible solutions as part of our commitment to health.

As we continue to innovate pathways for sustainable health and development, support from our global community remains crucial. By contributing to the Foundation, you can help expand these vital services, ensuring that more communities have the opportunity to thrive in health and contribute to a flourishing planet. 


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Unlocking the power of traditional medicine: La Maison de l’Artemisia and the Haller Foundation