Haller Soil Graphic

Stabilising the Soil
Once grown, trees act as stabilisers for the soil, transforming the land. Through the stabilisation of soil for example, dams will thrive and crop yields soar.

Haller Bugs Graphic

Reinforcing the Ecosystem
Trees also provide shade, which reduces evaporation and encourages predatory insect settlement in turn attracting insect-eating spiders, lizards and birds.

Haller Tree Graphic

Source of wood
As well as stabilising the soil for more efficient farming and water retention, the tree poles can be used as building material and the wood manufactured into charcoal for alternative fuel, helping the community to live more sustainably.

Haller Vegetable Graphic

Fruits & Nuts
Forestry encourages a range of economic activities. Planting fruit and nut trees means diversifying community nutrition and potentially saleable produce year on year.

Haller Women Graphic

Female smallholder farmers benefit from increased water retention and soil stability, which improves crop yields and helps them to provide for their families.