Stories from the Soil
Since 2004, we have been dedicated to implementing the Haller Model in Kenya - a proven blueprint for a sustainable ecological and economical future. Over 20 years, Haller has worked with 56 rural communities to restore degraded soils and develop self-sufficient livelihoods on fertile land. Our affordable, sustainable and scalable techniques along with the knowledge, tools and infrastructure have supported smallholders in Kenya to farm sustainably and live extraordinarily resourcefully from their land.
Kathekani Secondary School
In partnership with the Tsavo trust, Haller has supported over 350 pupils access higher quality education.
Champion Haller Farmer
A woman farmers’ journey, from our demo farm to a sustainable & secure future.
Transformative Learning and Sustainable Impact
Inspired by Haller Kenya's sustainable practices Hendry is now equipped to contribute to conservation and sustainable farming in Indonesia.
Resilient Communities & Prolonged Drought
Haller's initiative addressed drought challenges by deepening wells, conducting health clinics, and enhancing the Haller Farmers app.
A Woman Empowered
Mary Kitsoo
With little education and few skills, there were scant opportunities to pull herself and her family out of poverty.
A Place Changed
Jeremiah Tsuma
After working in Mombasa it was time to come home and help his community.
An End to Chemicals
Adija Karani
Farming on naturally dry landscape is difficult, it can barely grow enough food to feed oneself.
Organic Wins Over
Anything she planted at school that grew was devastated by pests and disease.
One Boy's Opportunity
Hussein Luva Said
Passing his primary school level exams with flying colours earned him a place at a prestigious national school.
Feeding Families
Mama Eunice Buke
Before Haller built a dam, barely anything grew because there was so little access to water.
A Dam for Life
The rain-fed dams that Haller helps communities build provide the local people with more than just a water source.
Ending the Search for Water
Musa Kitsao Baluku
When Haller dug a dam and built a well with the Kimbunga community, lives were transformed.
Children Leading Change
Spending his weekends at the Nguuni Education Centre he could read to his heart’s content; here he learnt about a bird club.
Pest Control
Abdallah Mangali
His land was being ravaged by pests so he travelled from Migumomiri to the Mtopanga Farmer Training Centre in search of advice.
Solutions for the Future
John Baya
He wanted to farm but was faced with three obstacles: lack of water, lack of land and lack of capital.
Survival and Beyond
Rain falls often upon the Nguu Tatu Hills near Mombasa. It washes away the topsoil and leaves the land damaged.
Taking Farmers Further
The Haller Farmers App helped her regenerate the land and make it farmable again.
Adapting to Kenya’s Changing Climate
One female farmer spoke with our team about the challenges Haller’s work has helped her to overcome.
- Hendry Sianipar, Indonesian Farmer
“The innovative practices and sustainable solutions witnessed in Kenya have provided me with a wealth of ideas and inspiration. I am excited to bring back this newfound knowledge and contribute to the conservation and sustainable farming efforts in my home country.”
- Lord David Steel
“When I visited the Haller project at Mombasa I was deeply impressed by the simple but effective approach to using natural resources to maximise sustainable food production – so impressed that I made a donation, and would encourage others to do likewise!”
- Eleanor Parks
“Working with Haller has enabled us to not only deliver our ReachUp! and StartUp! programmes, but also to give our programme beneficiaries an opportunity to experience the power of technology in its simplest form.”