Ace Africa partners with Haller

Ace Africa are proud to announce a new project partnership confirmed last month with The Haller Foundation. Ace Africa and Haller will, in partnership, conduct a Community Livelihoods Programme in Bungoma and Siaya supporting 320 households improve nutritional and economic security in Bungoma and Siaya, Western Kenya. In addition, Ace Africa will carry out a high quality baseline study in Haller project site, Kisauni, Mombasa, Southern Kenya.


In the knowledge that the two organisations have harmonizing goals it was decided that a collaborative project would be mutually beneficial, building one another’s capacity, learning form one another’s expertise and ultimately enhancing effectiveness of programme efforts.


Haller specialises in supporting smallholder farmers improve water security and revitalise barren soil – kick-starting natural processes that make land fertile and farmable – the foundation for stronger communities. Haller will teach Ace Africa programme staff and Ace communities fish farming techniques as well as specific integrated (water/animal-husbandry/agronomy/ forestry) farming methods which will be shared within the communities of Bungoma and SIaya and used for generations to come.


Ace Africa, on the other hand, will carry out a baseline research study in Haller project sites, Kisauni, Mombasa and will in the future, share its knowledge, know-how and expert approach towards Child Protection with Haller and initiate Child Protection programmes in Haller’s programme sites.


In the belief that Ace Africa and Haller have so much knowledge and experience to share with one another we are so excited about this new partnership which will kick off in January 2017. Though collaborating, the two organisations will provide deep insights into one another’s work, encouraging self-reflection about its strengths and weaknesses and will find ways to build on one another’s capacity.


Haller Founder Wins 'Points of Light' Award!


ICA: Open Fields