Vespa Capital: Haller App update

Our charity partner The Haller Foundation is relaunching the ground-breaking Haller Farmers App today. The first app, which launched in 2014, gained up to 30,000 users from over 125 countries but needed further development in order to keep up with the ongoing technological advancements happening throughout Africa. The purpose remains the same – to share affordable, organic and environmentally friendly farming techniques with smallholder farmers living across Eastern Africa.

Vespa Capital are proud to have funded the original Haller Farmers App and co-funded its evolution. The result of collaboration between Red C and Pearlfisher is the latest version, which will be available to download for free from the Google Play Store today, Friday 12th June. This new version is more accessible, intuitive and reliable. Now more than ever, the Haller Farmers App has the power to transform the lives of so many by helping people to grow food and collect and save water, leading to better nutrition and relieving pressure on local food, water and health sources.

Once downloaded, the app does not take up phone storage and does not require Wi-Fi or data to operate. However, access to smartphones and electricity for charging devices is still limited in some areas. Haller is actively seeking donations of second-hand Android Smartphones to deliver to Haller Farmers who do not already have access to mobile technology. If you would like to make a donation, please contact for more information.

We’re delighted to add that through an introduction at our annual Golf Day fundraiser, The Haller Foundation have established a partnership with Deciwatt, who have donated NowLights to 10 Haller App Ambassadors, providing them with a source of light and power to charge their smartphones and in turn, to share Haller Farmers with their friends, family and neighbouring communities.

To find out more about the app, please see The Haller Foundation’s full press release here:


Pearlfisher: Haller Farmers App


Marketing Communication News: Pearlfisher redesigns Haller Farmers App