Educating a Woman = Educating a Community

Marimani, an isolated Kenyan community, is home to the Marimani Community Based Organization (CBO) – a group of women, led by Mama Mwenda, who have embarked on a remarkable Haller Journey.

The women were paid by Haller to excavate their own rain-fed dam.  A year later, the community now has two dams and two fish ponds.  The Marimani women continue to expand their fish-farming business; this infrastructure provides these women with both a source of income and an unprecedented sense of ownership.

Marimani’s nearest source of clean water was a well more than three miles away, a journey along a rough track over several hills.  Haller built a well and an eco-loo for the Marimani community following their commitment to the Haller Journey.

The members of the Marimani CBO also participated in Haller’s Farmer Training School, where they were trained in multi-crop farming.  The Marimani community plot is now being harvested and the vegetables are being sold.  The Marimani CBO was recently recognised by the Mombasa County Government’s Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives for outstanding performance in vegetable production.

The Marimani CBO project embodies a very important principle for us at Haller – “if you educate a woman, you educate a whole community”.  Individual members of the CBO have used their Haller education to build their own plots and nurseries.  The resourcefulness of this group of women is inspiring.

In August, Haller distributed Gravity Lights to 80 families in the community, providing roughly 460 individuals with light.  We are excited to continue watching this community thrive in their quest for sustainability.


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Family Planning Success with Milgis Trust