We're empowering smallholder farmers across Africa, through technology

The work we do at Haller has evolved from a primary core vision: to unleash the potential of people and nature to create thriving communities and ecosystems. In 2014 Haller launched the Haller Farmers App, an interactive web-based smartphone app containing over 50 years of sustainable farming techniques. This digital tool is comprised of intuitive, simple, and image-led instructions, providing a free flow of information to thousands of smallholder farmers.

Since its launch, the Farmers App has had close to 30,000 users. The app has audio options in both English and Swahili, accounting for the challenge of illiteracy in rural Kenya. The app also aligns with Kenya’s growing internet penetration rates, and increased demand for smartphones. Although internet and mobile penetration is rising, the reality is that smallholder farmers still struggle to access the readily available agricultural information on the Internet.

To combat this, Haller has introduced an initiative in 10 rural Kenyan communities, providing one smartphone and mobile data package to a chosen community member. These ‘app-mentors’ participate in weekly workshops within the communities, sharing the knowledge from the app, and bringing the community together each week through interactive technology.

Haller places community at the heart of our efforts, as our community-based projects have reflected the potential of cooperation and communication in rebuilding ecosystems. The digital design of the app has brought an exciting and innovative way to share knowledge and information throughout the African farming communities.

In alignment with the launch of our Youth Training Programme, the Farmers App also acts as an exciting platform for young individuals to become involved with holistic agriculture. In the future, we hope to add interactive phone games into the app to make the learning more exciting for young farmers.

The Haller Farmers App embraces the ability to share knowledge, and empower smallholder farmers across Africa, through technology. We hope to keep developing the app to help more farmers release their potential and transform their land.


Read our App developers latest blog


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