Haller Farmers is now available on both iOS and Android!

 Connectivity and affordability of technology in Kenya have been increasing due to the wide scale use of Mpesa. This made it a fertile landscape for us to scale our methods and reach farmers further afield by harnessing the power of mobile technology. As technology developed and becomes increasingly available in rural East African communities, we continue to evolve and innovate to meet the changing needs of farmers.Originally a web-based app, Haller Farmers was then redeveloped in 2020 to an offline, downloadable Android application. The app was awarded Best Android App of the Year in the UK App Awards 2020 and was recently shortlisted in the Tech4Good for Africa Award 2021.However, access to mobile technology in rural communities is still limited and the issue remains to get them connected.

This is why we have now also developed Haller Farmers for iOS in the hope of getting the app into the hands of extension workers and NGOs who work with farming communities who aren't digitally connected.We are extremely grateful for everyone's continuous support and encouragement on this technological venture and we look forward to new developments in the future!Download Haller Farmers now, freely available on both iOS and Android. If you would like to find out more, please contact us at app@haller.org.uk. Haller Farmers provides smallholder farmers with affordable, organic and environmentally friendly farming techniques at their fingertips. Watch our app video on youtube here


IT News Africa: Donate a phone to Haller Communities


Haller partners with Deciwatt to provide light and electricity to rural Kenya