Haller Park featured on Kenyan Channel NTV

At 10pm next Tuesday, Haller Park will be featured on Kenyan channel NTV’s nature programme Wild Talk, with Dr. Haller being interviewed.

In 1970 Dr. Rene Haller, life president of the Haller Foundation, began the process of transforming a barren quarry into a fertile area of parkland. Through a series of experiments involving introducing hardy plants with the ability to thrive in harsh conditions with little water. Over the years, Dr. Haller gradually introduced varieties of plants, millipedes, butterflies, insects, birds and mammals, until eventually, where there was once nothing but barren land, there was a flourishing ecosystem of natural forest that became known as Haller Park.

Recognised as one of the most effective environmental restoration projects in the world, the park has been self-sustaining since 1977 and is one of the primary tourist attractions in Mombasa, Kenya. Home to a variety of endangered plants, and various animals, Haller Park also received a great deal of attention in 2004 due to the friendship between Owen and Mzee; a hippopotamus and a giant tortoise. Be sure to watch out for Owen in the trailer!

The creation of Haller Park is based on the same principles as our work enabling smallholder farmers to transform the land and grow sustainable crops, and the ongoing success of Haller Park is a testament to the dedication and knowledge of Dr. Haller.


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