Improving Access to Healthcare in Rural Kenya 

Quality universal healthcare is a fundamental human right. However, despite investments in healthcare systems around the world, access to healthcare remains unequal. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, 29% of the population lives more than two hours away from a hospital. In Kenya, while urban areas are reasonably well connected to healthcare services, poor infrastructure and uneven investment distribution leave many rural areas cut off. The World Economic Forum estimates that 72% of Kenya’s population lives in rural areas with limited access to healthcare services.

Haller works with smallholder communities to improve their livelihoods through renewable agriculture and healthcare outcomes through weekly mobile clinics. Across the country, other organisations are approaching the challenge with innovative technology applications. 

Healthcare challenges in Kenya

The Kenyan government has committed to delivering universal access to healthcare, but with a doctor-to-patient ratio of 1:5,725, far exceeding the WHO recommended ratio of 1:1,000, it has struggled to meet this ambition. 

Pressures on the healthcare system are only projected to grow. With Kenya’s average annual population growth rate standing at around 3%, by 2050 the population is projected at 95 million, almost double the figure recorded in 2017. 

One key issue is a lack of service provision. The World Health Organisation estimates that half of the African population lacks access to essential medicines, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, with rural areas often lacking basic healthcare infrastructure. 

Kenya’s Ministry of Health census in December 2024 indicated that 93% of Kenya’s health facilities cannot provide basic outpatient services and 84% of 5,000 facilities surveyed lacked essential services for maternity care.

The impact of these challenges is felt most acutely by the most vulnerable groups in Kenyan society. 

A report by the Civil Societies Organization Centre for Reproductive Rights pointed to a rise in the number of maternal injuries and deaths in Kenya due to medical negligence. Kenya’s maternal mortality rate is one of the highest in the world, with 510 women dying for every 100,000 live births. For rural women, the potential to die in childbirth is twice as high as their urban counterparts. 

As Africa’s population grows, the rising prevalence of non-communicable diseases among older people, such as diabetes and hypertension, represents a new challenge. These diseases require long-term management and regular access to medications that existing healthcare systems can’t provide. 

Haller’s work to improve healthcare access 

Improving access to healthcare is a core aim of Haller’s work. Smallholder farmers will only be able to implement renewable agricultural practices and improve their livelihoods with consistent and reliable access to healthcare. 

Our team in Kenya conducts bi-weekly outreach sessions to communities supported by Haller, often attracting over 80 people to the clinic for a wide range of treatments. In addition, our team works to educate communities about hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition, and provides regular support for expectant mothers. 

To date, we’ve treated almost 100,000 patients, immunised almost 50,000, and hosted over 750 women for family planning sessions. In combination with our weekly outreach sessions, we’ve added critical healthcare information to the Haller Farmers App to place knowledge at peoples’ fingertips. 

Innovative solutions to Kenya’s healthcare challenges 

Despite the challenges, organisations across Kenya have successfully improved the health outcomes for vulnerable groups in rural communities. 

In Samburu County, the Communities Health Africa Trust runs camel mobile clinics to provide communities with basic healthcare services and holistic family planning sessions. Set up by Shanni Wreford Smith 16 years ago, the Trust has adapted outreach because of the lack of infrastructure in the region and serves an average of 30-80 people at each clinic. 

In Turkana County, motorcycle ambulances are used to carry medical supplies and help pregnant women reach healthcare facilities. Off the coast of Lamu County, ‘safari doctors’ provide healthcare for communities living in 65 remote islands previously unable to access treatments. 

Other solutions remove the need for healthcare professionals entirely. In Kisumu County, Zipline has established a drone system to deliver medical supplies to communities living with or at risk of AIDs. 

To learn more about our work with smallholder communities, follow us across socials.


Haller + The Samburu Girls Foundation: Partnering to Protect Young Women in Rural Kenya. 


2024: Haller Wrapped