Introducing the new Haller Farmers app

After more than a year in the making, Haller is happy to announce the launch of Version 2 of the Haller Farmers app on the Google Play Store.

Together with our long-term design partner, Pearlfisher, and award-winning app development agency, Red C, we have created a new and improved, lightweight app that shares affordable, organic and environmentally friendly farming techniques with the millions of smallholder farmers across Sub-Saharan Africa. With content in both English and Swahili, and a Swahili audio option, the app allows for wide accessibility.

Tested in the field by Ministry of Agriculture officials, university students and smallholder farmers living across Kenya, the app has been developed to meet the needs of anyone looking for sustainable farming advice.

Now, more than ever, is an essential time for rural African farmers to begin planting indigenous crops, increasing their food security and taking pressure off local food sources, as COVID-19 disproportionately threatens their livelihoods.

We believe that Haller Farmers has the power to change the lives of smallholder farmers throughout Africa. With the help of the app, these rural farming communities will have the chance to build resilience, gain independence and become self-sufficient.

Our vision at Haller is to create choice for smallholder farmers across Africa, enriching ecosystems and creating better empowered lives. This app aids these farmers on their journey to self-sufficiency.

Find Out More.

Download the app here.


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