It's good to share!

We have lots of news continually coming through from Kenya and we thought it would be nice to share a couple of updates with you!

Our ethos is, and always has been, to make communities self-sustainable. Farming training is the most important part of this and with knowledge comes power!

“Ace” partnership

Our farmer training team have been with Ace Africa; one of our partners in a fish farming training project funded by the Innocent Foundation, and has met with some of the farmers involved in our training programme. Four representatives had been sent to us for training and with the knowledge they gained, they were able to teach 32 other farmers! They have dug 9 fishponds, one of which is complete and filled with fish.


It’s bananas!

For communities, the initial importance of growing their own produce is in order to feed their families, but they are also encouraged to produce and harvest crops to enable income generation. Recent examples of this have been kale and bananas.

Alongside this, there is also, agri-silviculture, which is the simultaneous husbandry of forest tree crops and food crops and thought to be very beneficial. Recently farmers sold 20,000 tree seedlings to The Greenbelt Foundation.

We have to date, trained over 15,000 farmers at our centre in Mtopanga, but how many of these have been like the 4 representatives from Ace Africa?


We Don't Like Waste!


Celebrating World Biodiversity Day