Mexico Emprendiendo: The Haller Farmers App

A bit about Haller

Since 2004 Haller has been working with nature to farm the unfarmable and helping smallholder communities living on fragile land in Kenya to thrive. Haller’s work has already impacted the lives of 42,000 farmers in 40 communities. For more information about Haller visit the Foundation’s website.

Whilst we continue to work with such communities in 2014 we realised that if we wanted to scale our impact to the 5million+ smallholder farmers in Kenya, we would have to take a new approach.


Introducing the Haller Farmers App

In 2014, to complement our successful work and on-the-ground presence, we launched the Haller Farmers App. The App builds on the technological revolution taking place across sub-Saharan Africa and puts our 50 years of proven, sustainable farming techniques – all of which are low cost, organic and easily replicable – directly in the hands of smallholder farmers.

It is an innovative and exciting project that builds on the near countrywide network coverage and affordable smartphone technology in rural Kenya and East Africa. Since its launch, the App has already been used by over 10,000 people in over 140 countries! Please take a look at the App by clicking here.

Support a new step in international development!


Kenya’s farmers

Agriculture is Kenya’s biggest industry and there are over 5 million smallholder farmers in the country. Many have minimal knowledge of sustainable farming techniques and live on unproductive land in areas far from the services of agricultural extension workers.


With 80% of these smallholder farmers being women, we believe the Haller Farmers App can help to reduce the gender divide by giving women access to our proven farming knowledge and expertise. The significance of this step is recognised by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) who estimate that female empowerment in Africa would see farm productivity grow by 20%.

We want your help to grow the App, bridge the gender divide by empowering women, and in turn improve the lives of millions of in Africa by 2020!

Education = Empowerment = Opportunity = Success


Impact of the App

The App takes advantage of rapidly growing smartphone ownership and 74.2% Internet penetration in Kenya. More and more Kenyans are buying smartphones and recent data shows that over two-thirds of all new mobiles bought are smartphones!

Now, thanks to these developments and the creation of our App, proven and affordable farming techniques and tips, are available to thousands more people.


One Day's Wages


PC Tech: The Haller Prize 2016