New content on the Haller Farmers App

 We upload new and relevant content onto our Haller Farmers App every 3 months! Our latest update contains information about the incredible Baobab Tree, also known as The Tree of Life. It can live up to 5000 years, reach up to 30 metres high and up to 50 metres in circumference. Baobab trees can provide shelter, food and water for animals and humans. During the rainy season they absorb and store water in their vast trunk, allowing them to produce a nutrient-dense fruit in the dry season. Baobab fruits are rich in vitamin C and have the highest antioxidant content of any whole fruit. They can help reduce tiredness and fatigue, protect against illness and support gut health. 

The tree flourishes in poor soils, tolerates the heat and can store large amounts of water making it the ideal tree to grow and survive in the dry areas of Kenya.  This recent app update has also provided smallholders with positive solutions to the swarms of locusts that have ravaged East Africa for the last few years. One swarm can eat enough food in one day to feed 2500 people for a year! Locusts can be caught, dried, milled and fed to chickens or fish as an alternative to buying expensive feed for them. Alternatively, there are numerous organic ways of preventing insect invasion on the app too, like a Garlic Pepper Spray.  To find out more, get in contact with us at you can download the app here.


How The Haller Foundation is helping smallholder farmers across Africa


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