Tech For Good Awards

2016 Finalist – The Haller Foundation


In Kenya, there are over 5 million smallholder farmers who often have little prior knowledge of farming techniques, and live on unproductive land. The majority of these farms are run by women with limited mobility due to household commitments, and less access to information about how to improve soil quality, use sustainable agricultural techniques and understand better farming practices.

Haller is working to resolve this issue with their simple, free mobile platform, Haller Farmers App. The app allows farmers to download practical advice, advertise their produce and connect with their local community, and is combined with on the ground training and ongoing support.


The app has changed the way communities farm, from using organic compositing methods to produce better yields and healthier soil, to growing a greater range of crops and vegetables. It’s created a stable income for families, allowing more children to go to school, and provided secure access to water.


Since its launch in November 2014 over 12,000 people have benefitted from the advice on the app – although actual numbers could be far higher, as rural communities share a smartphone between around 100 people. The app is available in English and Swahili, including an audio option for illiterate users.

Finalists for the Community Impact Award, the Haller Farmers app is creating long-term change for smallholder farmers and their families. To find out who won the Community Impact Award, visit the Winners 2016 page.


Announcing the Winners of the Haller Prize 2016!


Haller Farmers App Success Story