Tsavo Trust Partners with The Haller Foundation

We are excited to announce our partnership with Tsavo Trust officially! A renowned organisation dedicated to wildlife conservation and enhancing the livelihoods of local communities in Kenya. At Haller, we believe in the power of partnerships. By collaborating with organisations that share our commitment to sustainability and community development, we can amplify our joint impact and work more effectively towards our shared goals.

About Tsavo Trust

Tsavo Trust is an action-oriented Kenyan non-profit conservation organisation that plays a pivotal role in securing wildlife, preserving habitats, and supporting key communities on the borders of the Protected Areas within Kenya’s Tsavo Conservation Area. Through strategic partnerships, The Tsavo Trust has consistently demonstrated its commitment to protecting Kenya’s unique biodiversity while empowering local communities.

The Tsavo Trust is well recognised for its efforts in the protection and monitoring of Tsavo’s elephant population. Through their ground and aerial surveillance programs, they have significantly reduced incidents of poaching in the region. Their community engagement initiatives have also seen over 1,000 students benefiting from educational programs focused on wildlife conservation and sustainable livelihoods in the past year alone.

Our Projects

The Kamungi Conservancy, part of the Tsavo Conservation Area, has long been a focus for Tsavo Trust’s efforts. The area is struggling with a 40% poverty rate, and many families lacked access to basic educational resources. The human-wildlife conflict was also severe, with an average of 15 incidents reported monthly, leading to both wildlife and human casualties.

Through this partnership with Tsavo Trust, we aim to build on their successes in wildlife protection and community engagement to address these challenges more effectively. Together, we plan to implement projects that will enhance the quality of life for the communities in Kamungi while ensuring the continued protection of the region’s invaluable biodiversity.

Joint Initiatives for Greater Impact

Our partnership with Tsavo Trust will focus on educational empowerment and several key areas of need within the Kamungi Conservancy. The project will build on Tsavo Trust’s success in educational programs, by establishing ICT hubs in local schools, providing students with access to digital educational materials and bridging the digital divide. 

The initial implementation phase will see over 20 laptops, a projector, speakers and various other tech equipment introduced to two secondary schools in the Kamungi area. Staff and pupils will be offered comprehensive training and support to ensure the seamless introduction of new tech.

All devices will benefit from being integrated with the African Ruggedised Education Solution (ARES), an offline education system tailored for rural Eastern Africa schools. The content provided by ARES spans various educational levels and includes renowned platforms such as Khan Academy, TED-Ed videos, science lab simulations, vocational courses, and an extensive library of over 60,000 textbooks and reading materials.

The following 11 months are dedicated to continuous engagement, rigorous monitoring and evaluation activities to assess the project's effectiveness and impact on student learning outcomes.

Looking Ahead

This partnership marks the beginning of an exciting chapter for both organisations. By combining our resources, expertise, and passion, we can create a more sustainable future for the people and wildlife of Kenya. Our work in the Kamungi Conservancy is just the start, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to uplift the community and protect the region’s invaluable biodiversity.


Haller at 20.


Tell the Bees: Preserving and Encouraging Biodiversity