Haller welcomes new Trustees to the Board

  For the past two decades, Haller has worked in partnership with smallholder farmers in Mombasa, providing them with the tools and know-how to revive degraded land through sustainable agriculture. Looking forward, our goal now is to develop a certified and sustainable carbon offset project in Mombasa, generating carbon credits to trade on the Voluntary Carbon Market.Throughout the 18-months, we have been working to build an international Board of Trustees to oversee our new vision. Our collective goal is to harness new and emerging leaders to further scale Haller’s proven principles and success to date, using our existing methodology for sustainable development. 

In 2021, we welcomed Anya Doherty, Chiara, Cappellini, Isabelle Piper, Jamie Sandall, Jess Haller (Chair) with Kim Storey continuing her role of Treasurer. This month, we are excited to welcome four new Kenyan trustees to our board; Asha Jaffar, Abdullahi Boru Halakhe, David Ngome & Dr. Joseph Macharia. We trust they will each bring great value, guidance and enthusiasm to Haller. We are delighted with our new board of Trustees and confident that together, we can carry forward Haller’s vision for ecology and economy; reviving life of land, supporting rural communities to build sustainable livelihoods and ultimately tackle climate change. 

You can discover the full board of Trustees here: https://haller.org.uk/about-us/meet-the-team/  New AdditionsAsha Jaffar works as a journalist and communications expert. She first came into contact with Haller in 2014, when she won the Special Award for the Haller Prize for Development Journalism. Born and raised in Nairobi, she currently manages the award-winning Kibra Food Drive. The drive was established to provide food for those worst impacted by the pandemic, and Asha’s work was recognised through her nomination for the Africans Rising Activist of the Year Award.Abdullahi Boru Halakhe currently works as the Senior Officer in Policy and Advocacy for Africa at the International Rescue Committee.

Abdullahi has over a decade of experience working across security, conflict, climate change and strategic communications, and has worked with the European Union, the African Union, USAID, the World Bank, UNDP, Amnesty International and the BBC. Based in Washington DC, Abdullahi will be moving back to Kenya towards the end of this year. David Ngome specialises in Development Communications, and has over 10 years of experience in the fields of international development, agricultural research, media and corporate communication. He has worked on the dissemination and scaling of innovations in more than 17 countries across the African continent. Previously he has worked with and consulted for the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa, the World AgroForestry Centre, and the Standard Media Group. Finally, Dr. Joseph Macharia is the Carbon Project Lead at One Acre Fund and is a passionate environmental steward and climate change expert.

Joseph is based in Nairobi and is a strong advocate for Nature-based Solutions geared towards achieving zero to negative carbon emissions through sequestration. His work contributes significantly to the accurate assessment, estimation and reporting of the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to the UNFCCC through accurate use of Tier 2 & 3 emission factors (EFs) as recommended by the Paris Agreement 2015. His work also plays a key role in reducing the uncertainties and inconsistencies in the national GHG budget. Joseph has vast experience in research, development and advocacy in the field of agriculture, food security, carbon finance and climate change.  


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