Tell the Bees: Preserving and Encouraging Biodiversity

Bees play a critical role in the global food chain, pollinating around three-quarters of the world’s flowering plants which produce 90% of the world’s food. The FAO has estimated that one out of every three bites of food we eat depends on bee pollination.

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Protecting the Food System: World Food Safety Day 2024 

Smallholder farmers play an increasingly important role in food safety. 80% of food in developing regions is grown by smallholders, and with food demand expected to grow by more than 70% by 2050, there is a clear need to install sustainable food systems that work for these communities.

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Celebrating International Day of Plant Health 2024

On International Day of Plant Health, we recognise the global challenge of plant health that affects livelihoods worldwide.

At Haller, inspired by Dr. Rene Haller's work, we are committed to supporting and celebrating local smallholder farmers in adopting pesticide-free practices that respect biodiversity and improve crop health. And increasing access to sustainable agricultural practices that ensure safe food and trade, enhancing community livelihoods globally!

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Closing the ‘Crop Gap’: Addressing the Inequalities faced by Female Smallholders 

Despite their outsized importance in the global food system, female farmers face a growing number of challenges. Not only do these obstacles negatively impact individual female smallholders, they fundamentally undermine global efforts to address hunger and poverty.

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Digital Tools in Traditional Fields: Uncovering Mobile Technology Usage among African Smallholder Farmers 

Studies have demonstrated the increased penetration of mobile technology across Africa. But to build a more up to date picture, specifically focused on the use of technology in agriculture, Felix Young set out to survey smallholder farmers across 15 African countries.

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Ensuring Proper Sanitation for Schools and Infrastructure for Climate-Smart Farmer Training

In 2023, Haller joined forces with long-time donor the Eagle Foundation to channel efforts into two key projects: installing sanitation in the community-owned Munnawar primary school, and expanding the capacity of the Mtopanga demonstration farm.

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