Essential New Health and Family Planning Content on the Haller Farmers App

Last week, we launched new health and family planning content on the Haller Farmers App. Our aim has always been to evolve the app from simply an agricultural support tool to a life tool for farmers. By including this basic, yet transformative information, smallholder farmers living across Africa, with little access to health services, facilities and information, will be able to make more informed health choices and also plan for their desired family size. 

The information is accessible to those of all literacy levels, and has been strongly reinforced with visual content and diagrams, which also engages our younger audience of app users. This is crucial given the youthful demographic of the continent, and the need to educate them on FP choices. The new content initially falls under three key Health categories; Nutrition (proper nutrition, malnutrition), Common Diseases (water-borne diseases, respiratory diseases, anaemia and high blood pressure) and Family Planning (inc. prenatal, antenatal and postnatal).

This new content will reflect information taught in Haller’s Health & Education outreach, and the app will be incorporated into the sessions themselves to demonstrate its utility. Download the app through the links below:


Haller Partners with Romanian NGO, Fundatia ADEPT on new App for Smallholders in Eastern Europe


Haller Featured by the FAO as a Case Study for Small Scale Food Producer Resilience