Vespa Capital: Supporting sustainable farming in Kenya

Vespa Capital has supported Haller’s community development programme, near the coastal city of Mombasa in Kenya, for the past seven years by hosting an annual Golf Day. The event has raised over £192,000 to date and connected the charity with new donors and in-kind support. The Haller Farmers App, (FarmSmart) is designed to put farming know how into the hands of small holders and was created and designed through networks developed at the event.

The income raised by the Golf Day allows Haller to innovate and invest in long-term priorities and have the flexibility to provide direct support to the most critical projects in a timely manner. Starting with a dam funded by Golf Day in Imani community, Haller constructed nine new community dams for irrigation and fish farming, 8 new wells and 3 new eco-toilet facilities. The funds raised from Golf Day also helped five of the communities begin farmer training to transform barren land into fertile and productive soil, using natural processes and locally available resources.

Haller believes that farmers can thrive from any plot of land.


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