Amido: Haller Foundation Hackathon

Last month, as part of the Amido Corporate Social Responsibility programme, we partnered with The Haller Foundation, a charity dedicated to helping Kenyan communities and ecosystems thrive.

The resulting hackathon saw Amido employees split into teams with two hours to pull together, and then pitch to a panel of Haller judges, a proposal for a new app which would help farmers in Kenya grow and trade their produce.

Alia Malik, CEO of Haller and one of the panel judges, had this to say about the day, “what I liked most about how Amido handled the brief today was that they took a step back, they didn’t accept our solutions, but instead said let’s just start from the beginning and work out what your core users really want, and from there we’re going to take the mindset that we don’t want to build what doesn’t need to build.” She adds, “I’ve worked with some other technology groups before but what I liked most about working with the different teams today, and this was the same across all of the groups, was that they were focused on being quite practical, not building things that already exist but making use of services that are around and work well for that purpose, and marrying them together to make something that fit the users need.”

Amido are now working closely with Haller to flesh out the winning solution and will be taking the recommendations engine to development very soon. Watch this space.


Vespa Capital: Supporting sustainable farming in Kenya


Haller Prize 2016 - Where are they now?